How does Light OF smartphones affect us?

How does Light OF smartphones affect us?

There are smart phone, tablet, and surprised the blue light emitted by the screens of laptops which extent strength, which you've never imagined.

These lights are so bright, however, the screens of these devices, we can see the light of the day.

At night they can somewhat compare your light so bright that day.

That stare at their screens late at night does not in any way a good idea.

Our bodies naturally tend to follow a cycle that gives us the opportunity to relax while at the same time helps to wake up and keep mentally alert.
But when he stopped before bedtime to see these screens would suffer from the effects of hormone mylatunyn confused brain to tell the body to the brain, which are like gold in the morning sun is so.

The use of light at night before bedtime habit of smartphones bnalyna causes the brain to toxic ajzaĜĦakhta long term bnalyta is almost impossible to get good quality sleep.
Poor sleep a night are difficult to apply the idea is to make something that for some time, may impact the brain to do so until months or years.
If the people who have low levels of body mylatunyn and the risk of depression in their body clock is several times higher than the other.
In a study that examined under a blue light devices that cause cataract eye disease or not, because it is believed that this may pose the disease as a result.
There is evidence that blue light causes damage to sight, because it is warm cover the eye with the passage of time, however, more research in this regard is ongoing.

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